The County Seat Restaurant and Lounge - 315-386-8522, this restaurant is located at the Best Western , Canton, NY
The Lobster House - 353-2366 is located 14 miles from Canton, NY
Sergi's Italian Restaurant Pizzeria - 315-386-4581, Main Street, Canton, NY
A-1 Oriental Kitchen 315-386-3778 43 Main St., Canton, NY
Little Italy 315- 714-3535, 107 Main St., Canton, NY
The Bagelry 315-386 265-9378, 103 Main St., Canton, NY
11 West 315- 800-0611 6182 US Highway 11, Canton, NY
Morley Long Branch - 386-4075, 7235 County Route 27, Morley, NY,
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